
Over 40 Years of Innovation, Quality, Safety

Don’t Let a Thief Cost You Hundreds of Dollars, Protect with the Fortress GasLock Instead!

FGL Blog 1It’s starting to get colder so that means you’re either preparing to store your trailer for the winter, or like the snowbirds you are traveling south for the winter to enjoy the warmth. When it comes to protecting your valuable propane tank investments – are you prepared for the potential worst case scenario?

We have a great solution to help prevent this “worst case” of theft from happening to you. The Fortress GasLock is designed to securely lock your propane tanks that are mounted to a trailer, towable or RV. It’s currently the only lock available specifically designed for LP tanks in the industry and can save you upwards of $500 in repairs and replacement when they try to remove the tanks and cutting the lines.

“We are off to Baja in a couple of weeks and it is on these long trips that I worry more about security. Your lock will be up to the task. I think this is a really good invention.” 
-John S.

We couldn’t have said it any better ourselves John! Instead of worrying about potential gas tank theft on your summer adventure, use the Fortress GasLock instead and focus on the most important part of your trip… what to cook over the campfire for dinner!

Features of the Fortress GasLock include:

FGL Blog 2• Avoid typical propane tank theft repairs exceeding $500
• Allows tanks to be quickly locked when mounted to trailers, towables and RVs
• Does not interfere with LP tank valves and can be filled while locked
• No tools, no modifications, installs in seconds
• Affordable investment
• Designed for dual tanks
• High impact powder coated military grade aluminum
• Fits available for all applications
• Only lock available for propane tanks in the industry
• Proudly made in the USA  

Kit includes:

• One GasLock assembly 
• Lock and keys 
• Theft deterrent decal 

FGL Blog 3If you’re interested in learning more about the Torklift International Fortress GasLock, there are a couple of options for you! You can call us at 800-246-8132 and our tech support would be more than happy to answer your questions about protecting your trailer and gas tanks from theft. Or, you can find one of our Certified Dealers near you by clicking here, and they can help you with your questions as well as get you set up with one of these locks whether you’re traveling south for the winter or getting ready for storage.


 kerstinWritten by Kerstin Stokes:
As a graduate from the College of Idaho with a B.A. in both History and Art, Kerstin has found her passion for writing and marketing, and has loved every minute of working for Torklift for over 2 years. She enjoys looking up tasty recipes for baking and daydreaming about future travels. 


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  2005 Hits

Don’t Let a Thief Ruin Your Camping Trip, Use the Fortress GasLock Instead!

7. Proudly made in the USAAlthough we'd like to believe that most people in this world are nice and wouldn't even think about stealing the things you've worked hard to own – it's unfortunately not always the case. There are still a select few people who think what you have should be what they have, especially when it comes to propane tanks, and they'll take it.

We have a great solution to help prevent this from potentially happening to you. The Fortress GasLock is designed to securely lock your propane tanks that are mounted to a trailer, towable or RV. It's currently the only lock available specifically designed for LP tanks in the industry. Not

only can a criminal steal your tanks, but could cause hundreds of dollars in damage trying to remove the tanks, tank cover and cutting the lines.

"I feel a lot safer about my expensive camping equipment since using PowerArmor and Fortress GasLock. They give me peace of mind."
-Lauren Jensen

We couldn't have said it any better ourselves Lauren! Instead of worrying about potential gas tank theft on your summer adventure, use the Fortress GasLock instead and focus on the most important part of your trip... what to cook over the campfire for dinner!

Features of the Fortress GasLock include:

2. Fortress GasLock assembly• Avoid typical propane tank theft repairs exceeding $500
• Allows tanks to be quickly locked when mounted to trailers, towables and RVs
• Does not interfere with LP tank valves and can be filled while locked
• No tools, no modifications, installs in seconds
• Affordable investment
• Designed for dual tanks
• High impact powder coated military grade aluminum
• Fits available for all applications
• Only lock available for propane tanks in the industry
• Proudly made in the USA

Kit includes:
• One GasLock assembly
• Lock and keys
• Theft deterrent decal

Fortress Gaslock IU webIf you're interested in learning more about the Torklift International Fortress GasLock, there are a couple of options for you! You can either call us at 800-246-8132 and our tech support would be more than happy to answer your questions about protecting your trailer and gas tanks from theft. Or, you can find one of our Certified Dealers near you by clicking here, and they can help you with your questions as well as get you set up with one of these locks.

kerstinWritten by Kerstin Stokes:
As a graduate from the College of Idaho with a B.A. in both History and Art, Kerstin has found her passion for writing and marketing. She enjoys looking up tasty recipes for baking and daydreaming about future travels. 

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  1965 Hits

Breaking Bad... by Torklift Jen

Don’t worry, this isn’t a spoiler!DSCN3851

I was surprised to find out that my innocent looking propane tank and auxiliary battery can live out a sordid existence in the wrong hands.

I guess I thought that theft of these items would be due to someone who needed to BBQ more than me or maybe he/she had unfortunately left their headlights on somewhere.

But no, these items are being targeted for use in the manufacture of methamphetamine and other drugs.

They are an easy target on RVs, because of the vacancy and remote storage of some units and convenience of the items exposed.

These thefts and associated tampering can cause hundreds of dollars in damage and costly repairs due to cut wiring and the not so careful removal of your possessions.  You can keep a step ahead of the bad guys and break the chain of these crimes, without anymore broken and cut chains.  Torklift has made specific products for thwarting these kinds of thefts and keeping your possessions safe under lock and key.

The Fortress GasLock is the first of its kind propane tank lock that allows your tanks to be securely locked when mounted to trailers, towables and RVs.

The PowerArmor locking battery box series is a great looking addition to your RV-set-up and can be used to secure other valuable items as well.

HiddenPower is an under-bed battery mount.  Hidden from theft; your extra battery is mounted in a stealth location under the bed and conveniently accessible for extra power when needed.

These and other security minded products are available to keep your investments safe.   See our website for the full line of lockable products.

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