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No really, what is this hole for? Right here:


Too close? Let’s zoom out.


Still not sure?


Let’s try a few things.

If you have a Palomino Landing Pad bumper and find yourself wondering what in the world Torklift International was thinking when they punched a hole in it, we totally understand. Here are a few ideas for you to consider that we market-tested right here in our factory.

1.) Toilet paper on a stick
We hid the toilet paper at the factory and sat out a stick to see what would happen. The result was interesting and innovative. It came in quite handy and we are rather proud of our engineers seeing there was a need for a special product and then taking the time to create it.


2.) Crop protector
Ever since we offered the Scarecrow Protection Package
at Torklift International, crops have never been so bountiful.


3.) Bear protection

Enough said.


4.) Gun rack
This is legal right? How many times have you been at the campsite
and said to yourself, “I don’t have enough guns today.”

Bring ‘em all.


5.) Silent fisherman
Stick your fishing pole inside and park near a lake.
A robotic arm actually comes out of the truck camper to reel in any fish
that take a bite. It actually cooks it for you, too.


6.) Certified Corona holder
When your hand hurts from squeezing your lime, cram your beer in here.
It also protects your beer from those late night “I like to party” falls.


7.) Twinkie holder
Twinkies are sticky after you hold them too long and it’s incredibly inconvenient
to wash your hands when you are outside. Put your hands in your pockets
and simply kneel down to eat. For that matter it’s a cucumber, pickle and popsicle holder.


8.) Free cable
Remember these? We are bringing them back.
Consider it nostalgia. Don’t drive too close to power lines or low hanging branches.


9.) Clothes line
What is better than naturally dried towels and clothes?


10) Flower holder
Fragrant, pretty and the wives love it!


Okay, we’ve lied and it’s not even April Fool’s Day but I assure you there is a purpose to this seemingly insignificant hole in your Palomino Landing Pad truck camper bumper. It involves two critical things: Storage and Power.

Torklift International manufacturers the Landing Pad truck camper bumper specifically for the hard-side MAX camper models of Palomino truck campers. We also offer two very special products for this truck camper bumper. It all starts with the Space Dock.

Space Dock receiver port
swivel-hitch-accessorySpace Dock swivel receiver port for accessoriesThe Space Dock is a receiver attachment for accessories that conveniently swings out to allow clearance for accessing storage and rear entry to the camper. It inserts into the pre-drilled hole on the Palomino truck camper bumper. The Space Dock is essentially the portal to all things fun and provides endless joy that you’ve been missing out on.


This very covert swivel receiver attachment improves your camping lifestyle tremendously. The port for you to attach various accessories features a standard 2-inch by 2-inch receiver that fits most anything from bike racks to ski racks. Outdoor barbecue? No problem, attach it to the Space Dock.

Lock and Load SideKick generator tray
sidekick-generator-trayLock and Load SideKick attached to Palomino Landing Pad Bumper with SpaceDockNow this contraption is your ticket to power. Literally.

The Lock and Load SideKick is a lockable generator tray that fits into the Space Dock receiver allowing you to store your generator outside. Storing your generator outside gives you extra storage in the truck cab or truck camper and eliminates the interior exhaust odor you can never really get rid of. Best of all, while it is locked in the tray, it’s fully functional and you don’t have to take it out or unlock it for use.

That was so important we have to repeat it: it’s fully functional and you don’t have to take it out or unlock it for use.

palomino-landing-pad-bumperPalomino truck camper with Landing Pad

           Translation: Convenience

In conclusion, the specifically designed hole in the Palomino truck camper bumper does come with a purpose. However, if you’ve scrolled this far you’ve seen that there are really no limitations. The skies the limit and you’re free to use your imagination -- in fact, comment below with any ideas you have for more creative accessories!

If extra storage and more power is something you find useful, don’t waste any time living without a Space Dock and Lock and Load SideKick from Torklift International.



Click here to learn more about the SideKick generator tray or find more information on the Space Dock here.

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