When I told my team at Torklift International that I had never truck camped, the room went silent. I could tell that this was a serious offense. At that moment, I was dubbed an experiment, a newbie … a truck camper.
Since that day, it has become my job to truck camp and document my experiences.
I used to drive a Hyundai. Now I drive a Ford F-350. This truck and the Torklift products installed on it will endure the test of ultimate user friendliness, my active recreational use and performance with grace-under-fire.
Let’s hope not literally.
My job is clear. I am an experiment and the mad scientist is Torklift International.
And to start, a good question for a new guinea pig should always be: “What happened to the old guinea pig?”
I think she probably became an expert!
Join me on my trials as I form a hypothesis on what this truck camping thing is all about.
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