I never know what I am going to be asked to do next here at Torklift. So, I wasn’t surprised to hear from my manager that “We’re sending you to IKEA for a new lamp.”
What I failed to hear was really, “We have the idea for you to remote camp.”
Spotty cell phone service can be so hilarious.
I gladly accepted the offer and couldn’t wait to see if we were going with the traditional table lamp, art deco desk model, or the Swedish modern style.
By the time I had figured out I wouldn’t be shopping this weekend, I had agreed to try out a new receiver hitch application with the truck camper.
They know if I can figure out a new product that anyone can.
We are close to Mt. Rainier and many beautiful camping locations are not too far away for a quick trip. I found one close enough where I could get the feel of dry camping without disturbing anyone by running the generator for my experiment.
“Big Red,” the Ford F-350 is equipped with receiver hitches in both the front and rear. The SuperHitch Magnum receiver in the rear is a dual receiver, as are all the Torklift hitches. So they can tow, but also have the ability to support other hitch-mounted applications.
For this camping trip, I would be using the receiver in the front to carry the Lock and Load for the generator.
Having the generator along was great. Once I learned how to plug it in. I ran every possible electrical amenity just for fun. I promise I would not do this as a “real” camper, but I even ran the hair dryer and curling iron just for scientific research.
I also knew the generator was secure. I didn’t have to lift it, move it or worry about stowing and locking it for the night.
One of these days I may be able to make it to IKEA. I bet if I asked, they would let me camp in their parking lot some weekend.
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