I’m making a splash … literally.
I put myself on assignment this weekend and hauled some boating stuff up to the lake. In my mind, this was a professional outing, so I geared-up and had hyped myself into being a rather important researcher.
Then I learned the real meaning of “splash.”
With all my enthusiasm I jumped into the little kayak, both feet first.
I learned the cold hard truth.
The kayak had flipped me out into the cold lake water. I was a human slingshot and I went an impressive distance.
I struggled to drag the boat to shore as it filled with water and became impossible to bail out. I was fully clothed, wearing boots and a life jacket, but now I know what it’s like to be on the wrong side of the mob wearing cement shoes and facing an East River demise.
I concluded that balance is crucial to all things in towing, hauling, suspension, mind and body. And getting into a boat.
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