To help reduce poor handling and enhance the suspension of a vehicle, it’s proven that the StableLoad suspension stabilizer not only significantly improves all aspects of ride quality, but also provides overall safer experience on the road.
StableLoad suspension upgradeWe’ll take a look at the most common complaints of poor handling experienced when hauling a truck camper or towing a trailer to show why StableLoads are the first suspension modification you should turn to. StableLoads engage and activate the stabilizing effects of your vehicles factory overload leaf springs, providing the support needed to handle extra weight.
StableLoads easily install on any vehicle including trucks, vans, SUV’s and light commercial vehicles that come equipped with factory overload leaf springs.
To put the capabilities of the StableLoad suspension stabilizer to the test, let’s examine real life experiences of people who tow or haul often.
Cue the StableLoad Challenge: an opportunity to see if others noticed improvement in ride quality from driving a Ford F-150 truck both with and without the StableLoad suspension stabilizer. The challenge allowed attendees at a rally to experience the Ford F-150 truck’s suspension with a 2,800-pound load in the back.
Rally-goer Bruce Pound took the challenge to learn more about the capabilities of the StableLoad. During his test-drive with the StableLoad suspension stabilizer turned on, he mentioned how the StableLoads make a difference when it comes to the three most common handling problems.
Issue #1: Side-to-side SwaySide-to-side sway
When a vehicle is under significant load, the suspension is unable to provide proper support causing the truck to sway from side-to-side. As a typical complaint from those who haul campers, the camper creates a “top-heavy” feeling and it’s difficult to gain control of the vehicle, especially at higher speeds.
“I can tell a difference in the suspension itself,” said Pound. “You don’t feel as if you’re swaying -- the side-to-side sway isn’t there.”
To aid suspension and level the vehicle, many people turn to airbags. However, the side effects of installing airbags will actually increase side-to-side sway and amplify bounce motion. With airbags payload is balanced on an area roughly the size of two footballs, lifting the weight completely off the factory suspension, taking the truck’s factory spring suspension completely out of use. StableLoads put your suspension back into effect and work with factory overload leaf springs to trigger exactly what they’re built for.
Issue #2: PorpoisingBounce and porpoising
Misalignment increases stopping distance, ability to steer without delayed response, increased tire wear and more negative characteristics. This results in the front and back motion known as ‘porpoising.’ A heavy load in the back of your vehicle tends to put additional weight on the rear axle, causing the truck to sag and the nose of the vehicle to tilt upwards. This unnatural positioning impacts the drivability and handling of the vehicle, causing forward and backward rocking.
The first thing that Bruce Pound noticed during his test-drive was the aspect of braking more effectively. The distance needed to stop the truck was noticeably less and the porpoising effect when trying to stop the vehicle was completely eliminated.
“With the StableLoads the braking feels a lot smoother,” said Pound. “When I hit the brakes with that one [Ford F150 without the StableLoads], there was a lot of rocking.”
Issue #3: Body RollVehicle body roll
When maneuvering winding roads and sharp corners, a vehicle carrying added payload is much harder to control. Vehicles with high center of gravity like truck campers or higher ground clearance are notorious for pitching and leaning over each side when turning.
When cornering during the test-drive, body roll of the vehicle was significantly reduced.
“There is a definite difference,” said Pound. “This was a much smoother ride.”
As the load transfers toward the outside of turns, StableLoads allow you to keep control of the vehicle’s direction by increasing stability.
StableLoads on leaf spring engagedSolution: StableLoad Suspension Stabilizer
One solution solves all three of these common handling issues, plus additional benefits. The StableLoads also help by leveling the vehicle and eliminating sag, which can cause serious side effects not only to your ride quality, but the truck itself.
Torklift International StableLoad suspension stabilizer is the only suspension modification that can be adjusted for use. With the ability to literally turn the StableLoads on and off by engaging and disengaging them in seconds, enjoy the convenience of returning to your comfortable factory ride when you’re not towing or hauling.
The StableLoad Challenge made a huge impression on each rally-goer that took the challenge. Watch the full video of the StableLoad Challenge:
Click here for more information on the StableLoad suspension stabilizer.